Content: Join the South Side Birth Center's programming and policy intern, Tynetta Hill-Muhammad, for a conversation on equity around birth and how to support midwives, doulas, and freestanding birth centers across Chicago. This virtual session is an invitation to gather in community and to explore equity around birth through guided discussion, activities, and strategy mapping. We will explore the current state of birth outcomes in Chicago, the impact of social determinants of health on birthing people, and work together to identify strategies for promoting health equity in maternal, birthing, and infant health. Please register for this free event, and consider making a donation to help make more events like this possible in the future.
Date/Time: Oct. 8, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Oct. 8, 2024, 8 p.m.
Location: On line. Register at
Sponsoring Organization: Chicago South Side Birth Center