Queer Crafty Halloween

Posted by Andy1917


If you loved Dragalicious and want to come back for a second haunted helping, you’re in luck! The Artistic Alphabet Mafia and Parallel Play have teamed up once again, combining TAAM’s third annual Queer Crafty Halloween and Parallel Play’s fifth Dilly Dally mask required mixer. Join us for an indoor-outdoor costume party at Uptown’s iconic Haymarket House featuring dancing & karaoke, quieter collaborative Halloween crafting activities, art & food vendors, a variety show, and more!

Tickets: Pay-what-you-can at $5, $10, $20, or $30 levels. The promo code for free tickets is DILLYDALLY and can be used by anyone who needs it, as we never want ticket cost to be a barrier to attending. Because ticket revenue typically only covers about 1/3 of the cost of Dilly Dally, we ask those who are able to cover the full price cost of their ticket to contribute their fair share ($20) or, better yet, help subsidize tickets for others ($30: your ticket + half of someone else’s).

DD Solidarity Fund: We will be collecting cash and Venmo free-will contributions at the event to be split in thirds among Parallel Play, The Artistic Alphabet Mafia, and Palestinian Family Relief through @rebirthgarments and @vulpinicv , who are directly in contact with families in Gaza. PP and TAAM portions will go towards recovering the cost of the event, Dilly Dally operating costs, and paying our artists and collaborators.

The Venue/accessibility: Historic Haymarket House in Uptown, an ADA compliant, expansive, indoor-outdoor space owned by Haymarket Books - an independent, radical, non-profit book publisher based in Chicago. From @haymarkethouse: “Haymarket House is fully accessible and has a wheelchair ramp entrance through our back entrance off Clarendon. All our restrooms are gender neutral and fully accessible.” More details and information on the space to be added soon!

We keep us safe! These are not just parties - this has always been about community, joyful resistance, and networks of care. We can’t wait to Dilly Dally with you soon! -TAAM & PP
(COVID precautions and image ID in comments)

Masks required and wheelchair accessible.


Oct. 26, 2024, 6 p.m. - Oct. 26, 2024, 9 p.m.


Haymarket House, 800 W. Buena, Chicago

Sponsoring Organization:

