Content: Join us on Monday, Oct. 21, for a dinner and discussion with Mike Wiggins Jr. and Aurora Conley of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa to learn about one of the biggest threats to the #GreatLakes. Hear about the tribe's years-long efforts to #ShutDownLine5, which has leaked 35 times in its roughly 70-year tenure and released a total of more than 1.13 million gallons of oil into the environment. Bad River is an Ojibwe community on Lake Superior famous for its wild rice, wetlands and sturgeon-supporting rivers. Since 2013, the tribe has been in a protracted struggle with Enbridge, a Canadian pipeline corporation, to remove a 71 year-old pipeline from the reservation and the Great Lakes watershed. What happens at Bad River has ramifications for the entire Great Lakes region. Free and open to the public. #NoOilInOurWaters #ProtectOurWaters #OilAndWaterDontMix #NoPipelinesOnIndigenousLand #KeepItInTheGround
Date/Time: Oct. 21, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
Location: Jane Addams Hull House, Museum Dining Room, 800 S Halsted Street, Chicago
Sponsoring Organization: The Freshwater Lab at the University of Illinois Chicago