Content: On Monday, January 20th -- Inauguration Day and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -- demand justice from BOTH political parties! Join a broad coalition of Chicago area organizations uniting around our two central demands: Additional demands include: More information about the demands can be found here:
Stop the genocide in Palestine!
No deportations!
End all US aid to Israel!
Defend all immigrants! No Raids. No Muslim Ban. Abolish Ice.
End the U.S. war machine!
Stop Police Terror! End qualified immunity: Push for 5!
End all state repression
Tax the Rich!
Stop the assault on workers' right to organize!
End the war on women and LGBTQ people!
Fight climate change! Save the planet from capitalism!
Reparations now!
Date/Time: Jan. 20, 2025, noon
Location: Water Tower Park, 820 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago
Sponsoring Organization: About Face Veterans Against the War
Al Hub
Alma de Izote
American Civic and Humanitarian Coalition
American Muslims for Palestine - Chicago
ANSWER Coalition
Chicago Activist Coalition for Justice
Chicago Area Peace Action
Chicago Artists Against Genocide
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy
Chicago For Abortion Rights
Chicago Liberation Center
Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America
Chicago Socialist Alternative
Christians for Ceasefire / Mennonite Action, Chicago
CodePINK - Chicago
Committee for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel
Cook County Green Party
Educators for Palestine
Familia latina unida
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice
Gay Liberation Network
Illinois Green Party
Illinois Progressives
IfNotNow Chicago
Immigrant Solidarity DuPage
Jericho Chicago
Jewish Voice for Peace - Chicago
Justicia en Ayotzinapa
La Voz de los de Abajo
Malcolm X Grass Roots Movement
Mi Vilita Neighbors (MVN)
Muslim Students Association National
Occupy Elgin
Palestinian American Community Center
Palestinian Assembly for Liberation
Palestinian Feminist Collective
Palestinian Youth Movement
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Peoples Response Network ((PRN)
PUSH for 5 Coalition
Rainbow Push Coalition
Salon Kawakib
SJP Chicago
Stop Trans Genocide
Tikkun Chai Inter-National
Veterans for Peace - Chapter 26
Workers Strike Back
World Beyond War - Illinois
Young Muslims of Chicago