Post-Election, What’s Next for Repro Justice & Bodily Autonomy?

Posted by Andy1917


Strategy discussion for reproductive justice and bodily autonomy organizing.

With each passing day, advocates for reproductive justice and bodily autonomy face deepening challenges across landscapes of health care, housing, and education.
We know a Trump administration will continue to escalate violence against queer and trans folks, immigrants, and Palestinians. While abortion access and full bodily autonomy are under increasingly vicious attack, Chicago For Abortion Rights (CFAR) and our partners urge you to join us in building a powerful, strategic, intersectional movement for repro justice progress.
The emphasis of this event will be on DISCUSSION with everyone present participating. You are invited and encouraged to bring and share your ideas!

Snacks and seltzer will be served. For the safety of all masks are required except when eating.


Dec. 3, 2024, 6:30 p.m. - Dec. 3, 2024, 8:30 p.m.


Haymarket House, 800 W. Buena Ave, Chicago

Sponsoring Organization:

Chicago For Abortion Rights


