Hanukkah Lighting for Palestine

Posted by Andy1917


Bring Your Own Menorah to Federal Plaza next Thursday, January, 2nd. This is a public gathering to celebrate the light of community in the face of our grief and rage at the ongoing genocide. We gather to commemorate this holiday with the knowledge that, like Antiochus, all tyrants will fall. We remain steadfast in our commitment to a Judaism that stands for solidarity, chesed and shalom, and against Zionism, racism and ethnic cleansing.

It is vitally important, particularly in light of horrors like the use of menorahs by the Israeli military in Gaza, that we continue to articulate that the state of Israel does not speak for us. Palestine will be free! #NotInOurName #CeaseFireNow #ArmsEmbargoNow


Jan. 2, 2025, 6 p.m.


Federal Plaza, corner of Adams & Dearborn Streets, Chicago

Sponsoring Organization:

Jewish Voice for Peace - Chicago

