Socialist Alternative Action Conference

Posted by Andy1917


Chicago Socialist Alternative’s next Logan Square Action Conference will take place on Friday, December 20th at 6pm, right back at Grace Church of Logan Square (3325 W Wrightwood).

At our first action conference after Trump’s election, we discussed and decided on a path forward for Inauguration Day actions. On December 20th, we’ll come back together to check the progress of those decisions, discuss our plans for January and beyond, and help folks get ready to fight like socialists!

You do *not* need to have attended the first Action Conference to attend this one!

Refreshments and childcare will be provided (as well as dynamic & democratic political discussion). RSVP at!

#fighttrump #fighttheright #fighttherightwing #antitrumpprotest #counterprotest #protest #resist #resist2024 #antihate #socialistchicago #loganagainsttrump #chicagopolitics #fightthefarright #trump2 #fightproject2025 #dontagonizeorganize #getorganized #workersriseup #workingclassmovement #weneedanewparty


Dec. 20, 2024, 5:30 p.m.


Grace Church of Logan Square, 3325 W Wrightwood, Chicago

Sponsoring Organization:

Socialist Alternative

